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What is therapeutic harp?

The personal power in healing music is in its expression. How it is given and received. The music is what creates the vessel in which the healing musician and ailing become one. The musician will learn to be sensitive to what is needed musically and expressively to meet the immediate needs of the suffering. Music can facilitate relaxation. Listening to music that is easy, slow paced and soft can facilitate deep breathing and loosen the muscles in the body. Therapeutic music is played slowly with space between the notes, that’s where healing can occur. The music is not a cure, rather a provision for relaxation and calming so medicine can do its work.

 Therapeutic music is played to minister to the emotional, spiritual and mental needs of a person. It reduces stress and enhances healing. It comforts those who are in transition from this life. Music as prayer helps us and those around us to feel and express love which is the most powerful force in the universe. When harp music is being played sacred space is created, God is present and healing can begin. Healing can occur here on earth or in Heaven above.

The harp is a beautiful instrument in both shape and construction. The essence of it are its vibrations. Music, filled with positive vibrations has the power to speak peace and assurance. The harp makes beautiful music in the time of desperate need. It can transport individuals to another place and time giving them a moment of rest.

 Faith recently completed her studies in becoming a Certified Clinical Musician. She is qualified to play at the bedside of patients in hospitals, hospice and skilled nursing settings. She is a member of the National Standards Board for Therapeutic Musicians. As a CCM she plays for the Neo Natal Intensive Care Unit, Joe Arrington Cancer Center, and the Pediatrics Intensive Care Unit of Covenant Hospital in Lubbock, Tx.  Faith has provided gentle harp music for patients in transition from this life and for Alzheimer’s patients in their homes or in skilled nursing settings. She has dedicated her life to a ministry of the harp.